Bonnet: I think bonnets on babies are the cutest thing ever. My baby disagrees and tries to pull it off whenever she remembers it is there.
Cost: practically free (I bought a huge bed skirt with lace all around the edge at Goodwill for $1 and used a small portion of it for this bonnet.)
Tuxedo dress: I made this a little while ago. It is sleeveless because I couldn't figure out how to sew the sleeves on.
fabric: $3.00
buttons: $1.50
Total Cost: $4.50
Polka Dot Dress: I had some leftover scraps from some aprons I made and decided to make a dress out of it. I wanted to learn how to make sleeves. This was my first attempt! (Grandma and Grandpa Munk, now your granddaughter can match you in the kitchen!)
Total Cost: fabric: $3
Green Dress: Mr friend and I bought a pattern from Etsy for this simple dress. It was so easy to make and I think it turned out adorable. The best part was I bought the fabric at Wal-Mart for $1 a yard. I bought a little extra for future projects.
Total Cost: $1
Green Jacket: I found this emerald green fabric at Wal-Mart for $1.50/yard. I loved the color so I bought a couple of yards. My friend suggested I make it into a little jacket. Doesn't she look adorable in it?
green fabric: $1
lining fabric: $3.50
buttons: $3.75 (I hate buying buttons. It doubles the cost of the project!)
Total Cost: $8.25